Day 3: Tracking Workload (Im)balance

Tracking the day for Friday 09/30

Plain text for personal life.  BOLD for teaching (which also includes advising and class prep).  ITALICS for scholarship.  UNDERLINE for service.  STRIKE THROUGH for university-afiliated things.

Woke up; walked the dog; went to a doctor's appointment in the morning with Matteo; drove to work; met with the SSTE team to talk about redesigning our program in alignment with CTC's new requirements; met with director about taking on the Seminar mentorship and recent concerns around the R&T process; came home; lunch from Mariposa's; conversation with Matteo on recent university work; rest; went to meditation at East Bay Meditation Center; dinner (pho); home to watch Luke Cage; posted resources to Edmodo site; emailed a student; sent a reading list for an upcoming reading; thought about a poem on death and life; read my mentee's placement reflection; responded on that reflection; emailed Malcolm and Lupe to get their guest editor calls for The Acentos Review

Still on my list:  
craft a little bookmark to go with my new chapbooks that are released tomorrow; craft my agendas for the Radical Publishing workshop I'm doing next week; create and email Paul a workshop idea for the reading I'm doing in Ireland; craft my agenda for that trip; email my friend on sabbatical; write my agendas for the next two weeks of Literacy; review my proposed teaching schedule for the next few years (because I planned something like 5 years in advance, because we want to have kids and there is no consistent maternity policy practice); send the search committee more articles on diversity hiring; reach out to R&T potential letter writers; email the provost about a certificate program and funding for a program that would allow people to report out on the work in a community reading and action group on campus; work on reviewing Lauren's, Siavash's, and La'Vonnda's different manuscripts; set up a time to meet with a colleague who will be teaching the Foundations class this January under our new proposed schedule; submit my professional development proposal to David this year; consider submitting a course proposal to the MAIT (though doubtful since I have a lot of other things I'm taking on); create a “challenge” protocol for students in the SSTE program; craft the part-time faculty syllabus and guidelines on our program; confirm Hedgebrook participation with Joanne; respond to Mami’s letter; submit poems; go back to my submissions list; look for fellowships; work on my Better Together speech from the summer to send out; do a P&W pitch on the work of Tara Betts;  Send proposals to three universities for readings and lectures in Spring and Fall of 2017; start working on 10th anniversary anthology for Acentos Review; apply for a Fulbright; look into Semester at Sea professorship; apply for book fairs

Formal service commitments for the 2016-2017 include:

Curriculum Study Commission 5 Saturdays a year
California Council on Teacher Education board member; Tech Sig co-chair for CCTE
West Catholic Oral History Working Group
Committee on Teaching and Learning
Alumni Board
Urban Ed Working Group
Diversity Task Force
Critical Community Group



Day 4 and 5: Tracking Workload (Im)balance


Day 2: Tracking Workload (Im)Balance