Day 2: Tracking Workload (Im)Balance
Tracking the day for Thursday, 9/29
Plain text for personal life. BOLD for teaching (which also includes advising and class prep). ITALICS for scholarship. UNDERLINE for service. STRIKE THROUGH for university-afiliated things.Started the day not feeling well (green tea before breakfast does not a happy stomach make); spent time with my dogs; met with my co-teacher about the class we are teaching on Monday; reworked the assessment together; wrote the agenda together; talked through our approaches to objectives and standards and their order in Backward Design (Wiggins and McTighe); corresponded with our guest speaker for Monday, Don Romesburg from Sonoma State University, who will be talking about the FAIR Act; emails (connected a student to the Legacy Garden on campus; corresponded with Framingham University about the diploma I never got in 2014 for my second masters; tried to figure out the location for an upcoming research meeting; corresponded about enrollment for the Jan Term class that I think is a sure thing now; updated the budget sheet for that course; applauded a colleague for a new non-tenured faculty scholarship retreat that's coming in November); read an article that I may use in Literacy class today; watched 20 minutes of a court show (while cooking my lunch, preparing my work bag, and drawing water for a bath); got ready; took my dog out for a brief walk; put on the Miles Davis Pandora channel for her again; dictated emails to Siri (to set up a follow-up meeting with my program director; checked in with a staff member who would like to take that Jan Term course; and affirm my partner for walking the dog in the morning while I rested for a half hour); drove to campus; picked up the SWIVL demo that I'll be trying out this semester to see about doing some work with the Flipped classroom; tried to check in with my program director (already gone); completed a Doodle for a Seminar Mentor meeting; started tracking this list; taught my class; drove to concert; watched a Wynton Marsalis concert with my partner; went home; started compiling the resources for the next fellowship; ordered materials for the Radical Publishing workshop next week