Planning a Book Tour

After a LONG break since the last time I wrote anything significant on book touring and writing and the things — anything other than social media posts while rocking babies — I wanted to share what I’m doing to get ready for black god mother this body, my fourth collection of poetry.

Touring while mothering and in a pandemic? That is what I am proposing for myself. That, while working full time and working some side gigs and writing a novel in verse and working on a new poetry project and starting a business and making some art every day. Welcome to the beautiful chaos! [Maybe that’s a hashtag #WelcomeBeautifulChaos]

Right now, I’m working in collaboration with Yesenia Montilla and Jasminne Mendez, two beloveds, on setting up some collective legs of our tours. Get you friends with public relations skills! Shout out to Lupe Mendez who will wrote a press release/media kit like no one’s business.

  • September 26-29, 2022 at University of Notre Dame for Afro-Latinx Poetry Now (part of a collaborative organized by Francisco Aragón of 6 poets)

  • October 21 to 25, 2022 in California, though turns out I'll be virtual for the first part of that (attending a wedding) but will probably just meet them in Santa Ana for the last reading in the series. 

  • Feb 22-26, 2023 in Texas hitting three cities on the road: 23 houston, 24 san antonio, 25 austin

  • April 3 to 13, 2023 possibly in the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico (part readings and part relaxation with family and writing time)

  • Possibly a week in June in New York City and the Hamptons to do some readings and also de-compress

  • While I’m sure I’ll be doing more readings in NYC and Philly, I’m also thinking about when to do a longer tour: Possibly something in May of next year with my mom to couple family research in South Carolina with a book tour and workshop series.

I’ve also reached out to the Robeson House to possibly host my Philadelphia book release in early October while also starting to consider what a Bay Area release might look like. Perhaps working on something with the Mission Arts Cultural Center. I’ll be in the Bay in September, the weekend of September 16 to 18 anyway, so that might be the best time to do a Bay book release … as I’m writing this, I’m thinking of reaching out to my publishers of Black Freighter Press about it. I generally do about 50 events a year even without a book, which I want to keep steady this year. Going to pull back on some teaching since I’m shifting into a curriculum development and facilitation role. Teaching takes a great deal out of me energetically, so I have to be wary of taking on too much. I love it … and it takes me away from the urgency of my own creative projects. I’m sure I’ll be writing more about those soon, too, particularly the album that will be made with Cinthia Pimentel from excerpts from my first book. That should be coming out by July and I’m REALLY excited about that.


Winter Solstice


Coach: So you want to write a newsletter?