Topics for future essays or at least some possibilities
Topics for future essays (at least some possibilities)
- The costs of academia and the whittling down of support for those entering mid-career (AWP, AERA, Los Gatos, Curriculum Study Commission, CCTE, SPAN)
- "won't you celebrate with me" as a lens for social justice leadership
- Black portraitures
- reflections on the Live to Write study texts
- praying to Saint Anthony in Italian churches
- "the trip of a lifetime"
- seeing "The Last Supper" or 15 minutes of holding a vision of what was OR an experiment in impermanence/the fleeting
- writing against voiceless-ness or writing against erasure
- thoughts on redesigning an english methods course to focus on the work of contemporary writers of color, queer writers, and women writers OR radical reading, writing, analysis, storytelling, publishing and community work with youth
- writing a sabbatical application
#twt, #52essays2017