Upcoming Readings and Events

AWP and the weeks after are going to be quite active.  Here are some of the upcoming times and locations for events.

a.     March 31, 2016, 9 – 10:15am, Printing the Forked Tongue: Bilingual Publishing After Gloria Anzaldúa’s Borderlands/La Frontera. (Britt Haraway, elena minor,  Diana Lopez,  Maria Miranda Maloney,  Raina J. León)
b.     April 1, 2016, 4:30 – 5:45pm, When I was Latina:  Navigating Privilege in the Publishing and Writing World (Deborah Paredez, Casandra Lopez, Cecilia Rodriguez Milanés, Keyla Hernandez, Raina León)
c.     April 2, 2016, 11-1pm, Book signing at Salmon Poetry (Booth 810)
d.     April 2, 2016, Reading from Even the Daybreak:  35 Years of Salmon Poetry, Diamond Salon 9, JW Marriott, 6:30-8pm.
2.     April 5, 2016, 7:30pm, Featured reading with Paul Casey at Pegasus Books in Berkeley, CA
3.     April 9, 2016, 8pm, Featured reading with Tongo Eisen-Martin, Peter Kline, and Indiana Pehlivanova at Poetry at 738, 728 14th Street, San Francisco, CA
4.     April 15, 2016:  Featured reading with Tereza Joy Kramer and abbigail baldys at Octopus Literary Salon

5.     April 23, 2016, 6pm, Lyrics & Dirges at San Francisco Write This Minute Literary Festival, 800 Chestnut, San Francisco, CA

Preparing for a course on muses


AWP for first time folk