Schedule for the spring, because a friend asked how I get so much done

  1. Mondays
    1. Work from home
    2. Prep for my classes as teacher
    3. Read for my classes as student
    4. I really want to try to take a yoga class.  I kind of need yoga or some sort of centering and physical activity in my life ... or so says my sizable paunch and aching head that is only cured by caffeine.
  2. Tuesdays
    1. 7 am wake up
    2. 7:45 leave the house
    3. 8:30 arrive on campus and prep for Seminar class (agenda, attendance sheet, activities)
    4. 9:45-11:20 Teach
    5. 11:20-11:45 lunch
    6. 11:45 - 1pm Office hours in Oliver Hall and meet with students there
    7. 1-4:30 
      1. Meetings on campus
      2. Prep for my Contemporary Poetry class as a student
      3. Rest (I actually bought a fold out cushion to do this in my office.  Don't judge me.  It's going to be that kind of semester when I don't have much time to rest otherwise.
    8. 4:45 - 8pm Contemporary Poetry class
    9. 8:15-9 Drive home
    10. 9 late dinner with Matteo
    11. 10 - 12 work on writing for my thesis and my Writing Workshop class (student)
  3. Wednesdays
    1. Work from home to prep for Writing Workshop and my Teaching and Learning I class
      1. Grading, agenda, etc.
    2. 12-3:45 Meetings generally; On occasion, I imagine that there will be some department meetings here
    3. 3:45 Buy a salad to eat during class
    4. 4-7:15 Writing Workshop
    5. Sometimes there are readings.  Sometimes I'll try to go to the gym.  Sometimes I'll just go home.
    6. Home by 9pm
    7. 9 Late dinner with Matte
    8. 10-12 work on writing for my thesis and prep for my Teaching and Learning I class
  4. Thursdays
    1. 7 am wake up
    2. 7:45 leave the house
    3. 8:30 arrive on campus and prep for Seminar class (agenda, attendance sheet, activities)
    4. 9:45-11:20 Teach
    5. 11:20-11:45 lunch
    6. 11:45 - 1pm Office hours in Oliver Hall and meet with students there
    7. 1-4:00 
      1. Meetings on campus
      2. Prep for my Teaching and Learning I class as a student
      3. No rest since I can't be late as a teacher
    8. 4:00 Go to classroom space to set up and spend time with early students
    9. 4-8:30 teach (sometimes class ends at 6:15 and I want to go to the gym on those days)
    10. 9 Drive home
    11. 9:45 snack with Matteo
    12. 10 - 12 watch a movie if I can still keep conscious
  5. Friday
    1. Wake up at 8
    2. Have a leisurely breakfast with Matteo
    3. Work on planning for the week
    4. Take a nap 
    5. Write, research, read for class, editing projects
    6. Make dinner for Matteo
    7. Watch a movie together or go out.
  6. Saturday
    1. Brunch with Matteo
    2. Garden
    3. Work on stuff for the week
    4. Watch a movie
  7. Sunday
    1. Brunch with Matteo
    2. Church
    3. Garden
    4. Work on stuff for the week
    5. Watch a movie
Because someone asked how I get so much done.  

Check in for the new week


Writing Retreat