Reordering my MAPA order

So my original intention for the coming weeks was this:

  1. July 13: Guillen (translation), Cesaire (translation), Damas (translation), Tirolien (translation) (and five new poems)
  2. July 20: Brooks, Tolson, Hayden, Carter (and ars poetica)
  3. Completed translations (on the blog), 15 poems (sent via email), and ars poetica (on the blog) 

Obviously, this was way too ambitious ... again.  So I have decided to reorder my order with the following:  
  1. July 13:  5 new poems sent via email
  2. July 20:  Guillen, Cesaire, Damas, Tirolien (no translation needed as the texts are provided in English)
  3. July 27:  Brooks, Tolson, Hayden, Carter and an ars poetica
  4. August 3:  Completed translations/analysis/connection to the current work, 15 poems (sent via email), and ars poetica (sent via email because I'm wanting to publish it)
On to write poems.  

For Monday I'm reading


3.5 days and a lot of dust in the wind