Projects for today at Daraja Academy

  1. Work with Dennis around how to use the Apple TV and Nearpod.  We can do some sample lessons.
  2. Inquire with Dennis how many iPads and how many iPod touches the students have access to on campus.  This will be useful with the teachers as I begin to contextualize usage.  
  3. Demonstrate Khan Academy with Dennis and see if it might be of interest to the teachers.  
  4. Ask Anita if she would be interested in recording her presentations for the students on Educreations.  
  5. Ask Anita if I might allow me to convert her PPT presentations into Nearpod presentations, including quizzes and interactive activities.  If so, do this with her. 
  6. Demonstrate with the teachers:  perhaps a digital story done with the iPad and iMovie and a digital story from my computers; demonstrate Nearpod; demonstrate Khan Academy; demonstrate Educreations and Screenchomp; demonstrate Popplet; demonstrate Notability; maybe try Doceri today; maybe demonstrate TeacherKit (I need to find out about the local grading system); Demonstrate TinyScan (maybe)

Tasks for today


Questions from today at Daraja Academy