Projects for today at Daraja Academy
- Work with Dennis around how to use the Apple TV and Nearpod. We can do some sample lessons.
- Inquire with Dennis how many iPads and how many iPod touches the students have access to on campus. This will be useful with the teachers as I begin to contextualize usage.
- Demonstrate Khan Academy with Dennis and see if it might be of interest to the teachers.
- Ask Anita if she would be interested in recording her presentations for the students on Educreations.
- Ask Anita if I might allow me to convert her PPT presentations into Nearpod presentations, including quizzes and interactive activities. If so, do this with her.
- Demonstrate with the teachers: perhaps a digital story done with the iPad and iMovie and a digital story from my computers; demonstrate Nearpod; demonstrate Khan Academy; demonstrate Educreations and Screenchomp; demonstrate Popplet; demonstrate Notability; maybe try Doceri today; maybe demonstrate TeacherKit (I need to find out about the local grading system); Demonstrate TinyScan (maybe)