Weekdays Avoiding Microaggressions

Sometimes I get very angry.  Luckily, one of my coping mechanisms for academia anger is talking with my mother who is also an academic.  So, if you see me in a parked car pretty animated ... it's probably a good idea to wait until I get out of the car.  Best bet is to get me right as I am walking into the house ... because I'm always pleasant for the first half hour before I talk about my day ... and then about three hours later, I'm usually even-keeled again. 
So, I am realizing my cycles of week day living are
Between 9:30 and 12am (preparation for tomorrow's day and kind of jazzed about this work)
12am to 7am warm, warm, happy dream time
6:50 light from outside, i don't wanna i don't wanna ... sleep for 10 more minutes, 8 more minutes, 5 more, goodness 1 more, I hate the alarm, might as well get up
7- 7:30, kiss matteo, smile smile warmth, start the water for tea, get ready, "what am I doing today?" quiet time
7:30 - 7:59 i should have left at 7:45 ... but no need to rush, I still have 1.5 hours before I have to be anywhere
8-8:30 commute, try to find radio stations that aren't playing the same 5 pop songs (miss Philly variety)
8:30-9: 30 prep for class or meetings; avoid disturbances.  door shut.   happily no people yet.  
9:30 - 1pm  teaching or meetings; things are generally going well ... but occasionally in meetings (very rarely while teaching) I feel myself a nail hammered down for existing, for daring to speak or be.  When that happens, I usually isolate myself for a while, debriefing with my core folk - family and close friends - because even when they can't understand, they help me calm and understand why it is that I'm feeling what I'm feeling.  They also make me laughed and re-energize me for the individual and collective work.  
1-3/4/4:30/4:45 prep for class as student or teacher.  tired.  i don't wanna i don't wanna.  few people.  this is about when most of the "s#$! just got real" conversations happen.  quick build up to anger and a wide range of feelings ... but I suspend.  gotta be student or teacher.  get my knitting.  calm down.  concentrate on words, wisdom, caring, heart, not me not me, but me in relation to you and us together

3/4/4:30/4:45-7:15/6:30/8/8:30/9/9:30 (depends on the day) be present in the classroom space.  sometimes sadness or anger slips in - I knit faster then, write in my little journal more - but mostly joy.  learning is liberating when it's good.  and teaching is also learning. 

commute home - look for variety in music.  dictate to myself sometimes.  i'm working on a piece of fiction and a long poem.  

home - kiss matteo, reconnect with this man I love over food, tea, sweets, puzzles, and know that he will listen and care and we can not talk about the day sometimes and watch zombie/vampire/sci-fi/thriller/etc movies and shows or play records or talk about music and our garden and ease into the silence and calm of night and one another

MFA Course, Modernist Africana Poetry as inspired by the work Brenda Marie Osbey and guided by Chris Sindt


Teaching about race through poetry