Remaining on my list

I came to Vieques with over 20 different types of writing to do.  Much of it has been done. 

Here's what remains:

  1. Work on the Letters article, the beast that keeps kicking me in the face.
  2. Compose my February newsletter 
  3. Follow up on the Dublin readings and then reach out to Galway
  4. Plan out an article on counternarratives from discussion board contributions around bullying and pre-service teachers
  5. Review for the Journal of Higher and Further Education
  6. Review for The Acentos Review
  7. Download the Writers Market and look for education trade magazines.  Plan out submissions there.  
  8. Submit to a few journals. 
  9. Write new poetic work.  
  10. Review my friend, Kevin's, for ideas about where to read in the UK and Europe.  
  11. Reach out to a contact in Sydney for a possible December 2014 reading.  
  12. Send folks my book release information, so that they can forward them on to their people. 
  13. Research book festivals and apply to read there.  
  14. Set up the Tumblr for the CCTE Tech Sig.  
  15. Continue updating my blog.  
  16. Apply for a residency for January 2015.  
  17. Submit a proposal for the Teachers and Media Conference (it's due on Monday.  Yikes!)
  18. Apply for the CNV fellowship with NCTE
  19. Order the final prints for my event in April
  20. Set up the catering for that event, since I have a vendor in mind.
  21. Do the rubric for a new assigment for one of my classes.
  22. Update the website for my Literacy course.
  23. Renew my AKA general membership.

 That's what I'm supposed to accomplish in the next 6 days.  Seriously, I may have set myself up with too much to do.  Maybe just a little bit.  Luckily, most of this does not have to be done in until February 8 or so.  I can totally do that. 

You know.  In looking at my reading schedule, I don't have anything on the books for May or June.  I was going to actively try to change that, but now I'm thinking that I might just leave it alone and pick up again in July.   I'll do open mics and commit, if invited to read, but I might hold off on actively pursuing readings.  I think I might just have enough to do on my plate for the first 6 months of 2014.  


The last few days in a flawed paradise


Day 8: The Dolphin