Remaining on my list
I came to Vieques with over 20 different types of writing to do. Much of it has been done.
Here's what remains:
- Work on the Letters article, the beast that keeps kicking me in the face.
- Compose my February newsletter
- Follow up on the Dublin readings and then reach out to Galway
- Plan out an article on counternarratives from discussion board contributions around bullying and pre-service teachers
- Review for the Journal of Higher and Further Education
- Review for The Acentos Review
- Download the Writers Market and look for education trade magazines. Plan out submissions there.
- Submit to a few journals.
- Write new poetic work.
- Review my friend, Kevin's, for ideas about where to read in the UK and Europe.
- Reach out to a contact in Sydney for a possible December 2014 reading.
- Send folks my book release information, so that they can forward them on to their people.
- Research book festivals and apply to read there.
- Set up the Tumblr for the CCTE Tech Sig.
- Continue updating my blog.
- Apply for a residency for January 2015.
- Submit a proposal for the Teachers and Media Conference (it's due on Monday. Yikes!)
- Apply for the CNV fellowship with NCTE
- Order the final prints for my event in April
- Set up the catering for that event, since I have a vendor in mind.
- Do the rubric for a new assigment for one of my classes.
- Update the website for my Literacy course.
- Renew my AKA general membership.
That's what I'm supposed to accomplish in the next 6 days. Seriously, I may have set myself up with too much to do. Maybe just a little bit. Luckily, most of this does not have to be done in until February 8 or so. I can totally do that.
You know. In looking at my reading schedule, I don't have anything on the books for May or June. I was going to actively try to change that, but now I'm thinking that I might just leave it alone and pick up again in July. I'll do open mics and commit, if invited to read, but I might hold off on actively pursuing readings. I think I might just have enough to do on my plate for the first 6 months of 2014.