Preparing to talk to colleagues at Tech Camp

I admit: I am not as prepared as I should be. I am right this instant at Faculty Tech Camp at St. Mary's College of California. Tomorrow, I am scheduled to do a short presentation on iPad Apps in Education. What to talk about? I am thinking that I will start with a QR Code to this Blog and then another QR Code to a quiz or Surveymonkey to gauge where participants are in their edtech usage. Still thinking on it. I think I might go from there into a Nearpod presentation and showing how to use that tech. Others will be talking about core Google Apps and the Flipped Classroom. I may model giving video feedback to students using iPad apps like Explain Everything, Show Me, or ScreenChomp, among others. Explain Everything is my personal favorite because of the export functions, Educreations is also pretty nifty, too.


The agenda


Quiet and restlessness