Knew that this was a perfect day

My sister had two beautiful babies: Ava, born June 3 at 11:01 am, 4lbs 1oz and Aiden born on June 3 at 11:02 am, 3lbs, 12 oz.

I knew that today just might be perfect ... now these babies weren't due until July 10 and they were TOLD not to come earlier than July 17, because that's when their tía (me) comes home from Rome. Just proves that they are both going to be trailblazers. Though I won't see them for a few weeks, and then for a few weeks more before tía gets her turn holding them as they gain weight and strengthen their lungs, I'm happy to be the Tía of trailblazers who walk to their own music.

My sister is doing well, eager to go home with her babies. A little prayer always helps. I am sending a lot.


Oh, how I will pay


The past few days