Cultivating ideas
I am an idea machine sometimes: the interactive book/play, the chapbook I'm working on providing through iBooks, a Jan Term class, which would take upperclassmen and graduate students overseas to work with military dependents while learning about educational technology in the classroom, etc.
Sometimes those ideas reach completions: The Critical Friends group in the KSOE (first meeting next week), programming ideas for my residents, a conference proposal on digital storytelling and narrative construction, that previously mentioned chapbook, each quarter The Acentos Review etc.
Sometimes not: another one-act I have yet to send out, the novel I am about a 1/3 of the way into writing (this summer, this summer, this summer), the article on teacher identity and fear, the article on PACT that I NEED to finish, etc.
If only I had more time to focus on writing, but then what would my world be like if I also didn't extend myself in all the ways that I do? I'm not sure.