The past few hours
I have begun an article on educational technology and then scrapped it for being too autobiographical;
contacted two students about writing a joint article about our experiences with educational technology, which I believe will be more widely read; written a line of really bad poetry;
written down the rough outline for my Wednesday night lesson with students;
discovered two articles that I began and bypassed but to which I should return;
made a list of those absolutely essential pieces of work that I must get done tomorrow/now today;
considered how to craft a video that would serve as a counternarrative for the stories I provided to my students;
decided that perhaps I should do a short video as an exemplar, but have them do fuller versions in class on Wednesday;
identified the grants for which I need to apply soon;
gone through my calendar and highlighted those areas applicable to teaching, scholarship and service;
refreshed my memory about the appropriate format for a rank and tenure case;
thought about beginning that writing and resigned myself to tomorrow;
found myself looking at the dead fly on the carpet and wondering when it was that they last cleaned the room;
listened to the frogs who died down for a moment but are not singing again; listened to the hoof beats that my typing fingers sound like and wondered if the sound carries and if my colleague next door now hates me for all this clunking long into the night; looked at the list of things to do;
found the original application that I made that talked about an educational technology article;
thought about how I will be a substandard facilitator for ed tech professional development and how I should just go into a cave, leaving my iPad behind;
and thought that was a silly thought.
In the end, I have done a lot of thinking, little writing, a little down talk on myself, and still not a great deal of substantive work in the past few hours, so to bed I go.