
In the next few months, I feel that my world will explode as a writer. Recently, I received an invitation to Ragdale as a part of a group of Latino writers/editors. I'm incredibly honored to be a part of the group and plan on using all of my leave days to participate in the experience next year. Today, I spoke with a class of writers at University of Georgia about my book, which was really exciting. I'm hoping that some of them take me up on sharing poems. Coming up is a reading at NYU organized by Cave Canem and an appearance as a workshop leader at the Acentos Foundation conference in April. I'm hoping that this is the year for my second manuscript to find a home. In addition, I've applied to a number of residencies. Hopefully, I'll find out some positive news for this summer. In addition to all of that, this summer in July I will start my work as a MFA in Poetry student at the University of New Orleans, low-residency program. Each summer I'll spend a month in a different locale. This year it will be in Mexico, which is really exciting. I have so many books to read before then. I'm hoping that I can fit in a residency, AVID educator training, AP Spanish Literature training, and the MFA program this year. Busy, busy, busy again, but hopefully, I'll be able to finish my novel and perhaps start on a new poetry manuscript (or refine the most recent version of the third manuscript).
I am praying ... and planning.


Miriam Makeba and the next manuscript


The travel schedule